Yes, they can, if the users tend to be a bit careless.
The story goes like this. I was recently presented a new dress by my wife.
And imagine how well your handsome friend (of course, me. Why you laughing, silly?) would have looked with this dark blue jeans and a white shirt. I went around Dubai and Sharjah thinking all pretty girls had set their sights on me. I know, I know, no one did, except that cross-eyed camel, now are you happy?
I forgot to tell you that I have this nasty habit of reading newspapers in the washroom. And I had placed a newspaper above the washing machine before moving off to office. My wife, meanwhile, picked up the dress along with some the expensive ones of my relatives (eh, some consolation) and put it in the washing machine. Only she did not realize that she had added the newspaper along with the clothes.
You should see the condition of the garments after the newsprint wash.
Hey, an idea: Why don't you try this wonderful experiment and feel how I feel.
PS: This is not the first time. My sister cleverly put my spectacles into the machine along with my clothes on an earlier occasion.
well dad,
how can we forget the paper roast that our clothes had undergone..
I would really like to know what happens with the clothes and spectacles cleaning together. :)
The morning when my husband had a his stroke I called the ambulance and sent him to the hospital, then I woke the kids up and got them to school and then... I threw one of his shoes, wallet and his keys into the washing machine and ran a full program. It's easy to laugh at it now, but it was a disaster back then. =)
Other than that my washing machine disasters had mainly consisted of the dreaded red sock sneaking in and turning the whites pink.
Your posts always tickle the funny bone RR.
You can also tell your wife about the time when my mother came to visit and decided to help me by washing our pillows in the washing machine... =D
One of the pillows broke and the filling stuck to everything else in the washing machine, in the filter and in the hose leading the water out and ... it took us weeks to get rid of it all. Every time we tried to use the washing machine more of the "fluff" magically appeared and stuck to all things again. Nowadays she washes things by hand when she visits us. =D
Very nice! I hope your wife had a nice time washing your cloths...
Nicely narrated.
That was funny. Long ago I knew a kid who used to chuck stainless steel vessels in the washing machine just to hear the noise of the clanging machine...The guy is doing pretty well now.
You asked for a post and you got it. All my fantasies packaged, cooked and ready:-)
The soul searcher went astray for awhile
After reading, I could not stop laughing(sorry don't mind)I hope people are gathering around you to reading newspaper on your shirt.lol
Reading newspaper on your shirt. Muaahahaaa. I'll let the leg pulling pass for today :P
Hey, what's the link between Journalism and spelling mistakes?
even i read the newspaper in the washroom but i never leave it inside
Your story-telling abilities are pretty good! *thumbs up*
sad as weell as interesting....
That was a nice one. Could we have a picture of your newsprint washed shirt here. wud love to get a glimpse of it.
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