"We” is a much stronger word than “I.” My friends are your friends and your friends are mine. So, I thought I should introduce some great friends, with their permission. Slowly and steadily, let’s expand this list. The list is not in order so, no hard feelings. This one for Gallery section.
BB Nayak is a simple man from Orissa settled in Navi Mumbai. His achievement? Seven Guinness world records. The latest is 30 one fisted cartwheels in a minute in New Bombay. The feat is covered in You Tube. Long ago, I covered his major feat for TOI and that is when we became friends...Now hold your breath..it was called Groin Conditioning..where two concrete slabs are placed against his vital organ and another guy breaks the slabs with a hammer. We gave the headline, don’t laugh, “Balls of Steel” in the TOI supplement for this story. Another report I wrote about him was titled “Bruce Lee of Mumbai.”
Babhi (BB’s wife) is a worried lady and not without reason. When BB plays with his life, she could only pray.
Well, hats off to this achiever who’s made it to the top despite lack of support from the government.
I liked the opening of your piece very much. We always refer to 'I' during our conversation and seldom to 'we'.
Mr N is quite a character... I am curious as to how he was inspired to be a record breaker.
The lazy and laid back genre is where I fit and I never cease to be impressed by those who seek to surpass the limits which are set for them. You are indedd lucky to have the likes of Mr N in your circle and thanks for telling us about him..
Dear me, what a courageous (needlessly?) man. Much as I appreciate his feats, is there any reason to lay one's life at risk for the sake of Guiness records. However, we have to congratulate him on his records.
I remember reading somewhere - "Only presidents, editors and people with tapeworm, have the right to use the editorial ‘we’." I think it was Mark Twain.
"we" definitely is a much friendlier word than I. our friends makes are our comrades in life, we laugh, cry, and learn with them. glad to know of your very inspiring friend!
Hey you know I am from Orissa and I know this guy and his achievements... thanks for sharing with us ....tso
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great info and hats off to nayak....
is mr.BB trying to make a record in the no. of records he holds?
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hey....i aint able to get into your link to post my thoughts altough i ahevmde innumerable attempts..so that's how savy i am with all dis blog stuff...
but i really liked the 'we' word that you'd used last....becos..it is such a strongword..emotionally andspiritually.....and speaks of the interdependent world that it really is....as in the lines made famous by Ernest Hemingway...no man is an island..entirely of himself...every man is a part of the main.and a part of teh contineent....if a cloud be washed away by the sea..europe is the lesser..........so we are all tunes into 'we'...and we will accompany you....so here's saying cheers andheart congats on your 11th posting.....way to go man..my friend...sudha
hey....i aint able to get into your link to post my thoughts altough i ahevmde innumerable attempts..so that's how savy i am with all dis blog stuff...
but i really liked the 'we' word that you'd used last....becos..it is such a strongword..emotionally andspiritually.....and speaks of the interdependent world that it really is....as in the lines made famous by Ernest Hemingway...no man is an island..entirely of himself...every man is a part of the main.and a part of teh contineent....if a cloud be washed away by the sea..europe is the lesser..........so we are all tunes into 'we'...and we will accompany you....so here's saying cheers andheart congats on your 11th posting.....way to go man..my friend...sudha
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