Saturday is my weekly off day. The day I enjoy most. Cleaning up the mess at home, catching up with friends..well, lots to do. So see you tomorrow, but temme, is there a way I can boil milk for coffee and yet see to it that it does not spill over. And this isn't the first time. Should the damn mobile buzz only when I place the milk on the stove? You stupid Murphy, wait for the day I catch you by your collar and turn your law upside down...
you can do that, first keep ur mobile off (if you can) and when you feel milk is almost to boil, sprinkle some drops of water on top, it will not come out.
Friend, due, brother you can also check my other photoblog.....Have a nice and wonderful weekend.
You can use a milk cooker. This is a two walled container. It has water in the middle and when you boil the milk it lets out a loud whistle through the steam outlet to let you know it is done.
It has worked for me so I guess it will work for you too.
I assure none of the above would work till those pretty OLD PR girls leave you in peace, just kidding.
ps: no offence meant PR people
Don't worry - you are not alone. In my case, I don't have enough patience to wait for the milk to boil so I decide to spend my time more efficiently - by watching TV.
And the darn idiotbox has to pay something really interesting and dominate my attention to it. So the milk is bound to...
And my Mom is bound to...
hahahhaha... its always nice to laugh at the misery of a man who is running after Murphy. hehehhe
P.S: I have got an award for you please come to my blog and collect it. :-)
Hmm...my comment never made its way here.
The comment was: have you heard of microwave ovens. They've got timers. WAAA-O!
Responding to your comment, "saadiaaaaaaaa, bahhhh...thanks for yr gr8 suggestion on microwave...ok how to handle the buzzing mobile while taking bath and soap enters your eyes!!!?? hahah plenty smart quesition..haannnn", here goes:
1 shower cap
1 bluetooth headset
And you're good to go! Wear your bluetooth device on your ear, and cover it up with your shower cap. Walaa!
I know, somehow I also used to let the milk boil over several times. Forget the wastage, cleaning up after that can be a real pain.
I then invested in a 'milk cooker' which comes with a whistle. When the milk is ready, the whistle blows - just like the singing kettles - and no spilling or boiling over. In fact it is rather nice to be whistled at , even if it is only by a milk cooker!! :)
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