Here goes my thanks to:
Deepak Barua
Dr. Nishi Chauhan
I Am: Anna Lovely Day
Naheed Zafar
Prachi Pandey
Priyanka Khot
Soul Searcher
Tantra flower
The Phoenix
Vamsi krishna nadella
Your sassy reporter
And all those who visited the blog.
And I love the attention to detail
especially the list in alphabetical order
Lets hope this is the first of many such centuries...
Sachin Beware
Hey Thx Ramesh... and congrats
Hey Ramesh, I have an award for you. which is been passed to me by Prachi and his team, pls pick it up from my blog deepakbaruablog.blogspot.com You rock....
nice to see your 100th post and even better to pot my name on it :-)
Many more posts to you and fun readings to us.
P.S: Desperately trying to pen something will post something as soon as the clouds in y head clear away. Thanks for mounting the pressure... IT REALLY TRULY HELPS!
What a wonderful way to start the day! =) I very much appreciate you blog as well as your comments and I'm always looking forward to seeing what you will post next.
Have a nice day now! =)
Hi Ramesh! Wow, 100 posts already! Congrats! I don't know if I will ever arrive there - you know, the procrastinating... grin! Anyway, I better go jump in my bed - it's 3am and I need a bit of sleep before I read what you wrote while I was gone! With a nice cup of coffee... tomorrow! Take care!
hey....i aint able to get into your link to post my thoughts altough i ahevmde innumerable attempts..so that's how savy i am with all dis blog stuff...
but i really liked the 'we' word that you'd used last....becos..it is such a strongword..emotionally andspiritually.....and speaks of the interdependent world that it really is....as in the lines made famous by Ernest Hemingway...no man is an island..entirely of himself...every man is a part of the main.and a part of teh contineent....if a cloud be washed away by the sea..europe is the lesser..........so we are all tunes into 'we'...and we will accompany you....so here's saying cheers andheart congats on your 11th posting.....way to go man..my friend...sudha
hey....i aint able to get into your link to post my thoughts altough i ahevmde innumerable attempts..so that's how savy i am with all dis blog stuff...
but i really liked the 'we' word that you'd used last....becos..it is such a strongword..emotionally andspiritually.....and speaks of the interdependent world that it really is....as in the lines made famous by Ernest Hemingway...no man is an island..entirely of himself...every man is a part of the main.and a part of teh contineent....if a cloud be washed away by the sea..europe is the lesser..........so we are all tunes into 'we'...and we will accompany you....so here's saying cheers andheart congats on your 11th posting.....way to go man..my friend...sudha
Hey...Congrats and thank you! I too crossed 100 posts a few days back, but didn't realise it. Not an issue. Will celebrate with you...cheers!
Congratulations! A landmark indeed. Keep churning out more! :)
Dear Ramesh....
A countless more to come !
Over a hundred days of ‘Web – cite – meant’
For the world, for you and all o’ us...
Pray….How you vandalize your skills….your thoughts….
And your imagination that captures all of us
Net worked in your domain as a fraternity ‘we’
Breathing in oodles of inspiration
Some dreamy connotations to muse
Some sublime, some fanciful
Some incidents, some opinions
Some ideals
To take resolve
Turning them into steely concrete
Melding into our hearts and desires
Burning our souls to go on forth
To make a mark, to bring in that change…
Yet all the while…
While you beseech us
To come into your domain’s hearth
Breaking our inertia
Tugging away at us
Driving us, yanking us, keeping us
On and on and on….with our hearts a glimmer
How simple you stand, my friend Ramesh...
For all your accomplishments aplenty
So simple you net work..
Guileless and disarming
But it remains to be...forever
That your signature
As a Media Guru
Plays across your style, your person and in all that you do…
And yet so simple you net work, guileless and disarming...words I can’t find pray…..!
How the two are twined together
Is what makes your chemistry, my friend...so humble that you are…
A hundred postings is for today
But a countless more is what’s yet to come!
keep up the blogging tempo...wishing you many more hundreds !!
Congratulations!!! And thank you for what you bring to us friend. Namaste
I was hoping you had forgotten my name, just so I could pick on you :)
Sheesh! :P
Congrats on the 100th post. Always a pleasure reading your blog :)
Congrats! Keep it going :)
Oh wow, my name is up there. SO sweet. Keep it, Madrasi boy!
Congratulations on hitting that century!
congratulations! looking forward to your next 100 post!
Better last than never. That said...Congratulations!
You are so right when it comes to having blogger friends to inspire us to post.
Keep up the great posts!
Congrats man...My best wishes are with you...let me clear one thing your posts are really interesting... So which is your best post so far ?
One century of posts! Great! Hope I will read your next 100 posts! I am still in LKG in blogging! Will read and learn and improve from all you beautifull bloggers!
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