Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thinking makes it so

Give any popular book that sells well, my wife told a roadside vendor in Chennai. He promptly held out Foreign Body, by Robin Cook. Dunno why. But I liked the opening quotation: If one thinks of oneself as free, one is free, and if one thinks of oneself as bound, one is bound. "Thinking makes it so."
-Ashtavakra Gita - Traslated by John Richards.


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a good book. It is the way I try to live my life. Always positive but it is not always easy.

The Good Witch said...

A great quote to make you think...

Anonymous said...

i have read something similar from the scriptures it goes something like "be wary of your thoughts as they control" or something like that. It's all in the mind after all. So optimism should really be a way of life. Nice blog you have here. I have added you to my links/blogroll. Hope you can come visit my blog too at
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