My mood? Very, very down. The city I love is under attack. Terror attack. Here is a city of 13 million, where each and every person truly believes that work is worship. The ever-active honey bees are no match to a Mumbaiite, when it comes to hard work.
And Mumbaiites do it with a smile, which makes them different from most others.
It's vibrant, dynamic (check out all the synonyms and add), and a perfect example of Unity in Diversity.
Forget the stupid politicians, I swear, each and every Mumbaiite loves this city, wherever he arrived from. It's a beautiful city that has a soul of gold and is a potpourri of many communities and cultures.
To attack such a city needs a dirty heart.
And at the very next chance, Global-Madrasi will be in Mumbai .. back to hanging out from overcrowded trains, sipping "ganna" (cane) juice on road corners, having vada pavs.
They can make Mumbai bleed, make Mumbai cry, but can never harm its spirit. Never.
i agree with you.....we are all down today.
Yes, sad. I am hoping to travel through India next year. The fact that a few people are evil will not deter me from meeting some of the billion who are not. Very sad news though.
Dear Ramesh: I couldn't agree with you more. You spoke my heart with this post.
people do evil things - but the human spirit survives and goes on (maybe it doesn't always learn) - but it goes on - some humans are capable of awful things - but most achieve greatness through the everyday small things - love, respect, friendship and humanity. I have only been to India once - but was touched by the everyday warmth.
I totally agree with what you have written...terror can never shake India's roots
Thanks anonymous..comforting words from an unknown face..best wishes.
Mumbai will bounce back as it has done time and again in the past. But the issue to think of is how to put an end to such senseless acts.
I've been following the sad news and my heart bleeds for those who have lost their loved ones and also for the terrorized citizens. I hope something like this never happens again anywhere in the world.
I'm so comforted by your words here. It's wonderful to see how all Indians have come together at such a time. I too haven't posted anything for the last two days, just sat in front of the news channel and watched.
Thank god ...It's all over......
thanks to the armed forces the terror was thwarted.
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